Kate & Klao plus their mom, dad and three sisters
Mi Jung and her little brother [these are Kate & Klao's nephew and niece]
Kate & Klao's two aunts and their uncles
Their grandparents
Suzanne & Emma
Another woman and her two children [I forget how they are related]

We found a spot to sit where they pulled out a small checkered tarp to lay on the ground and we sat and watched one of the boats being lit. There are so many lights on each one, and watching it being lit [it took about an hour] was nuts! I can't believe how much work they put into it, not only to build the bamboo boat, but to place all the lights in such beautiful designs and then light them was crazy.
After the first boat was lit it started to float down the river and more boats came by afterwards. Some of them had electronics and sections of light would move, and the dragon on one of them sprayed fireworks from its mouth. Others shot fireworks off behind them and the crowd "Oohed" and "Awed". There were some that didn't have electronics or fireworks but were so beautiful I couldn't help staring at them even as they floated farther and farther away.
We didn't get to see all the boats because it was getting late and we started to get bored of sitting and waiting for the boats to come so we went and got some food at a vendor as well as some icecream and headed home.
This morning I was woken up at 8am by the phone in my room ringing - my host mother was calling me from downstairs. Apparently Suzanne's father was going to pick me up at 8:40 so that Suzanne and I could go get interviewed with Ronald McDonald about RMHC who were making a presentation at Suzanne's school. I also had to wear my school uniform. Another unwanted surprise, I had been planning on sleeping in.
Suzanne's father came at 9:15 [only slightly late] and we went to Suzanne's school to find the hall full of people. We sat around and listened to Thai people talking for about an hour [which we couldn't understand] and then they had us come and take pictures with them as they gave free glasses to a bunch of kids. I still wonder why they need us in pictures when we have NOTHING to do with RMHC. Then we were told we needed to help herd students from station to station to get their eyes checked. They didn't really need our help, Suzanne and I just sat by a station for an hour and a half and watched them test the student's eyes. They were giving out free glasses to everyone and we watched some younger kids burst into tears when they couldn't read some of the letters on the poster. We also saw an Albino Thai child, which was really odd but really cool at the same time. I will feel bad if the kid grows up and the Thai people treat them like they treat us - it gets VERY annoying.
We finally got fed up with doing nothing, we hadn't even been interviewed yet, so we found Suzanne's dad and told him we wanted to do the interview and leave. We found the woman who was doing the interview and after I got my eyes checked [they were going to give me free glasses if I needed them - which I don't] we each did a seperate interview with Ronald McDonald himself. I got to speak a bit of Thai and then they invited us to tour with the Ronald McDonald mobile in April when they come around during our next break. We'll see how that works out.
So tomorrow I am off to Bangkok to stay with Bam [a Thai student who was on exchange in Canada last year] and she is going to take me to Dream World, JJ market and a bunch of other places in Bangkok. I am super excited :) I am taking the bus tomorrow morning at 7:30 am to meet her in Korat and then we will go to Bangkok together tomorrow night. I will probably come home around the 26th of October so that I only miss one week of school [it starts again on Monday]. Until then, Peace and Love.
"There are many ways of moving forward, but only one of standing still"
I LOVE the pictures and I laughed about the hair. Oh, Have you tried SKYPE? I'm thinking about downloading it (I asked my host brother don't worry).
Those boats look amazing!
Say hi to Bam!
What you get to meet BAM again.
So cool and jealous.
I have no rebounds to visit in Chile. Oh well.
The festival sounds amazing wish my city had something even close to that, but I have a feeling we don't have festivals at all here.
I wish I was there. That looks absolutely amazing. I hope you're having a good time. We miss you back in Canada. Keep up the wonderful writing.
Spy is 14 today and now behaving like a 7 year old. He wants to know if you got his postcards. Also send me your parents' address so I can send you a calendar that Spy made for you with lotsa pix in it. Bye! Peter
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