
My new address is:
2/1 Soy Prachasuksan
Muang Nakhon Phanom City
Nakhon Phanom Province
If you would like to look at videos from my trip I am uploading them at www.youtube.com/user/emma1elizabeth

"The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for. "

"See things as they are and write about them. Don’t waste your creative energy trying to make things up. Even if you are writing fiction, write the things you see and know."

Sometimes my weeks are full of adventure,
And sometimes my weeks are relaxing and slow.
So please be patient with updates,
You want to read them as much as I want to write them.
Peace and Love.

PS. As this is an imperfect world and as this adventure I am on is full of unexpected surprises, I would like to apologise in advance for any comments that may seem offensive or full of frusteration. This whole experience is new and exciting for me, but there are things that I find different and frusterating. I'm not writing about them to complain, but to write the truth of my exchange, the people I meet and all of the places I go to. Because if everything were perfect, it wouldn't be an adventure... it would be a vacation.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"1 Litre of Tears"

Today was a bonding day with my host father.

Over lunch we chatted about a bunch of random things - including the fact that I want to study Chemistry and Psychology in University. He found this very interesting and proceeded to say "NaCl - what is it?" I would answer, he would say "GOOD GOOD!" and give me another one. At one point he pulled salt out of the cabinet and asked me for the formula for that.

My host mother brought home a TV series that one of her students lent her. I decided to watch an episode with them and it turns out that it is a Japanese drama based on a book. Japanese language + Thai subtitles = No English. It was quite odd, but I could understand most of it just from the body language and tones of their voices. It's a great show, probably my favourite so far.

Plus, I am now in love with the main male character <3

HE'S SO GORGEOUS - and now I want to marry a Japanese boy, quite similar to this one :)

1 comment:

Jared Stryker said...

Dude holy crap! 1 Litre of Tears!
Japanese dramas are my weird little eccentric hobby.
That actor's name is Nishikido Ryo if you like him then he's in another drama called "Attention Please." Hmm, actually that drama would be JUST your cup of tea.
Anyways, woot for 1 Litre of Tears! It's a really frickin' sad drama...which is why Attention Please (a comedy) is the perfect drama to follow it up with (if you can find it in Thailand).