
My new address is:
2/1 Soy Prachasuksan
Muang Nakhon Phanom City
Nakhon Phanom Province
If you would like to look at videos from my trip I am uploading them at www.youtube.com/user/emma1elizabeth

"The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for. "

"See things as they are and write about them. Don’t waste your creative energy trying to make things up. Even if you are writing fiction, write the things you see and know."

Sometimes my weeks are full of adventure,
And sometimes my weeks are relaxing and slow.
So please be patient with updates,
You want to read them as much as I want to write them.
Peace and Love.

PS. As this is an imperfect world and as this adventure I am on is full of unexpected surprises, I would like to apologise in advance for any comments that may seem offensive or full of frusteration. This whole experience is new and exciting for me, but there are things that I find different and frusterating. I'm not writing about them to complain, but to write the truth of my exchange, the people I meet and all of the places I go to. Because if everything were perfect, it wouldn't be an adventure... it would be a vacation.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Eye is Twitching

And it's driving me crazy. Today is day 2 of the twitching. It stopped for a while, but now it's back - I'm pretty sure it's mostly from my lack of sleep.
Yesterday I woke up and was so exhausted that I told my little sister I had a headache and wasn't going to school. I went back to bed and when I FINALLY got myself out of bed and started sweeping the house I really DID have a headache, for the rest of the day. Oh Karma.

I have now officially moved houses - the change happened on Sunday after a wonderful "Farewell Emma" party thrown by my first host parents at my favourite restaurant "Meurang". In my first house my host parents didn't make dinner often, I usually bought myself something to eat when I was out with friends and would snack the rest of the night while I was at home, I had forgotten just how much Thai people eat. Two huge plates of Nam Nueng, two plates of Popia Tot, Beef Salad, Icecream and Lattes later my parents helped me pack all my bags into the car with the help of a Sam Law carrying two of my suitcases. I have WAY too much crap. I realised that I came to Thailand with two suitcases and two carry on bags. I now have two suitcases, two carry on bags, a backpack, a book bag and a big laundry basket full of clothes that wouldn't fit in my suitcase. This would be the proof of two things.
1. I have bought way too many things
2. Things in Thailand are too cheap.
Suzanne and I have switched wallets for the time being so that neither of us spend any more money before the trip.

We arrived at my new house with a car packed full of my stuff and my host father coming behind us in the Sam Law with my two suitcases. My Rotary jacket even takes up quite a bit of space - I have attached a Vietnamese rice hat to the back.

My new house is beautiful. Everyone knows it as "The big house by the hospital". I can tell my friends I live in the house by the hospital and they know exactly which one I am talking about. I now have four dogs - Loo Loo and La La the chihuahuas [La La is slightly overweight], Khao Pun [a small dog that looks like a poodle cross] and Sai Yo [a golden retriever]. I love having dogs again, they greet me when I come home from school and chase me around the front yard. Mae Suk is a nurse at the hospital just down the street. I am now in perfect hands - a nurse as a mother and I live a 3 minute walk from the hospital [my house is even directly across from the morgue]. Paw Doh is a bank manager. They are both fairly young [they were both students of my first host mother's] and they have two daughters - Nong Mean and Nong Nurse. Nong Nurse is 15 and is currently studying in Bangkok so she doesn't live at the house, but we are going to visit her this weekend and she's coming home for a month in a few weeks. Nong Mean is 14 and she's really cute. On my first night at my new house she asked me to watch a ghost movie with her. We watched Ghost Ship; both of us cuddled under blankets on the couch and shrieked together when scary things popped out.

The past few days have followed a nice routine. I wake up [much earlier than before] and I am ready to leave the house at 7:30 am with Mean sitting on the back of the bike. We bike to school together, I put my bike in the garage so I am not tempted to leave school early [I'm such a good kid (:] and then I go to class. After school I bike home alone, pick up some chinese doughnuts on the way and then watch TV for a bit before dinner.

Monday night after school I helped Kate and Klao translate a presentation their older sister was making into English, then they took me out for Suki with their family. I was actually COLD for the first time since I've been here. I wore a sweater, my leather jacket and a scarf. We sat in the tail of the truck on the way to the restaurant and with the wind and river so close I was desperately wishing for a hat.
Tuesday night Suzanne changed host families. I was planning on going to bed and watching movies as soon as I got home but she showed up and her family invited me to a "Farewell Suzanne" party. So many Farewell parties in the last 5 days. Suzanne has much less crap than I do, and after packing two suitcases and two small bags into the truck we went out with her family and her new family to Korean Barbecue. It was a nice dinner, her host brothers were very shy and when I asked them if they wanted to get bubble tea with us the next day they started talking to each other in mumbles; discussing it I presume.

I love my new host family, though there are giant black ants that live in my room. It feels great to have a sister again, I was getting lonely being an only child.

On my second day in my new house, Jupiter, Venus and the Crescent Moon smiled.


Taylor said...

Your closer to the hospital! Seems like a very good family for you then, with all your exchange illnesses!!!

Jared Stryker said...

Gah Emma! The December trip is so close! I really hope you have fun (I know you will). Please, on Christmas (my birthday) or something just do something for me. That could be considered my birthday celebration. Like a toast or something. :)

emmaelizabeth said...

geezzz jared, you didn't have to ask - i've got it all under control. i've been thinking about this WAY ahead of time. :) you will be recieving a marvelous present [it will be late ... but it's marvelous]

i lurveee you

and yes taylor - the hospital was a VERY good idea. next time i get burnt i can just get them to douse me in aloe for a few days,

Jared Stryker said...

lol I lurve you too but I just meant somehow mention my name on the trip so all the other inbounds at least know who I am. I worded it horribly before :S

Word verification: ineachac <- These could seriously be real words or something...

emmaelizabeth said...

sounds like ipecac - which is DEFINITELY a real word.
haha yes, i did catch that - don't worry - i will mention it :)

word verification: mases - getting closer.