
My new address is:
2/1 Soy Prachasuksan
Muang Nakhon Phanom City
Nakhon Phanom Province
If you would like to look at videos from my trip I am uploading them at www.youtube.com/user/emma1elizabeth

"The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for. "

"See things as they are and write about them. Don’t waste your creative energy trying to make things up. Even if you are writing fiction, write the things you see and know."

Sometimes my weeks are full of adventure,
And sometimes my weeks are relaxing and slow.
So please be patient with updates,
You want to read them as much as I want to write them.
Peace and Love.

PS. As this is an imperfect world and as this adventure I am on is full of unexpected surprises, I would like to apologise in advance for any comments that may seem offensive or full of frusteration. This whole experience is new and exciting for me, but there are things that I find different and frusterating. I'm not writing about them to complain, but to write the truth of my exchange, the people I meet and all of the places I go to. Because if everything were perfect, it wouldn't be an adventure... it would be a vacation.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Suk San Wan Gud


I am now 18
I can buy lottery tickets and go play bingo
I can vote
I can drink in MANY COUNTRIES, Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec
I am an "adult" WHOO HOOOOO
I can buy porn and buy adult rated anything
I can get into 18A movies

There are probably many more things I can do - but I just haven't thought of them yet
It's an exciting age - and I celebrated my Champagne birthday [18 on the 18th] in THAILAND!!

What, my friends is more amazing than that?

"Emma, your name poses a dilemma, cause there's not much else that rhymes with Emma (maybe Richard Cranna, he played the commanding officer in Rambo) Happy Birthday Emma!"
-Phoebe Buffay


Jared Stryker said...

Hahaha who would buy porn?

Anyways, welcome to the club! I don't really feel like an "adult" though.

Time for the sappier remarks:

Emma, you're an amazing friend who I can see still being a good friend of mine years down the road. Here's to life!

emmaelizabeth said...

awww jared i love you
you are rocking
and i would buy porn
haha joking

but it comes in handy if i want to buy people like gag presents at adult stores :D

emmaelizabeth said...

awww jared i love you
you are rocking
and i would buy porn
haha joking

but it comes in handy if i want to buy people like gag presents at adult stores :D

Anonymous said...

emma i hate to tell you those are provinces not countries!! lol. but happy birthday and congrats PORN WHOO HOO!! lmao you're funny