
My new address is:
2/1 Soy Prachasuksan
Muang Nakhon Phanom City
Nakhon Phanom Province
If you would like to look at videos from my trip I am uploading them at www.youtube.com/user/emma1elizabeth

"The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for. "

"See things as they are and write about them. Don’t waste your creative energy trying to make things up. Even if you are writing fiction, write the things you see and know."

Sometimes my weeks are full of adventure,
And sometimes my weeks are relaxing and slow.
So please be patient with updates,
You want to read them as much as I want to write them.
Peace and Love.

PS. As this is an imperfect world and as this adventure I am on is full of unexpected surprises, I would like to apologise in advance for any comments that may seem offensive or full of frusteration. This whole experience is new and exciting for me, but there are things that I find different and frusterating. I'm not writing about them to complain, but to write the truth of my exchange, the people I meet and all of the places I go to. Because if everything were perfect, it wouldn't be an adventure... it would be a vacation.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I just watched this video online that made me really upset about the McDonald's corporation. They used inhumane methods of killing their birds when it would cost them NOTHING to switch to methods in which the birds would not feel any pain.

Please, Please, PLEASE visit this website


Watch the video, and then sign a "ready-made" message to McDonald's to ask them to switch over to more humane methods of killing their birds.

And, better yet - stop eating McDonalds and switch to healthier food.

Thanks so much


Jared Stryker said...

I hope that animals can be slaughtered as nicely as possible for the chickens but the only issue I have is that the website is run by PETA and I just don't trust PETA at all.

Lioness said...

KFC is even worse. They genetically modify their chickens to have more breast meat than normal and then cut off their beaks so that the chickens can't peck each other (same goes for their claws) because they cram so many chickens into one small space. The fast food industry in general is bad.

emmaelizabeth said...

touche touche
why dont you trust PETA jared?
enlighten me

Jared Stryker said...

Because it is an organization based around radicalism and is very fond of propaganda campaigns and posters.

emmaelizabeth said...

ahh. interesting