
My new address is:
2/1 Soy Prachasuksan
Muang Nakhon Phanom City
Nakhon Phanom Province
If you would like to look at videos from my trip I am uploading them at www.youtube.com/user/emma1elizabeth

"The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for. "

"See things as they are and write about them. Don’t waste your creative energy trying to make things up. Even if you are writing fiction, write the things you see and know."

Sometimes my weeks are full of adventure,
And sometimes my weeks are relaxing and slow.
So please be patient with updates,
You want to read them as much as I want to write them.
Peace and Love.

PS. As this is an imperfect world and as this adventure I am on is full of unexpected surprises, I would like to apologise in advance for any comments that may seem offensive or full of frusteration. This whole experience is new and exciting for me, but there are things that I find different and frusterating. I'm not writing about them to complain, but to write the truth of my exchange, the people I meet and all of the places I go to. Because if everything were perfect, it wouldn't be an adventure... it would be a vacation.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Keep Breathing.

It was Christmas Eve. Snow was falling in thick clumps forming a soft bed on our front lawn. Through the window I could see my family opening presents, drinking apple cider and eating shortbread while they laughed together. I came up the driveway slowly with my bags pulled behind me; I could not remember why I had come home early, but I knew they were unaware I was just outside the door. As I rapped on the door my mom's head snapped up from her coffee and spun towards where I was standing. There was a rushing and as the door creaked open, it was apparent on her face that she was just as surprised about my return to Canada as I was. "What are you doing here?!" I was unable to give her the answer.

Though I was happy to see my family, the pain I felt from leaving Thailand was a tight fist wrapped around my chest; I could barely breathe.

The next day once I was allowed out of the house I began my search for anything that reminded me of home. The first stop was 7 Eleven. Though 7 Eleven in Canada doesn't quite have the same smoothies, mouthwatering ham&cheese sandwiches or every flavour of Pocky you could think of, they had juice. It was at the juice machine that I saw Jared. For some reason, at the sight of him I broke into a fit of sobbing and collapsed on him. He attempted to hold me up but I just could not pull myself together; in the end we sat on the floor while I heaved and shook as tears poured down my face. My heart was broken.

I wake up screaming.

"The trick is not to rid your stomach of butterflies, but to make them fly in formation" -

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