Day 1 - Suzanne and I left Nakhon Phanom at 7:30 am for Korat. Khun Pornchai [he will be referred to as "Papa Pornchai" or "Papa P" for the rest of my trip] picked us up at the Korat bus station after our 8 hour drive and I knew he liked us immediately. We had a nice talk with him about what we wanted to do in the future etc. etc. as we drove towards the Sripattana Hotel. When we arrived I saw some familiar faces - Clayton, Micheal, Tati. But there were also a bunch of unfamiliar faces that I could only recognize from Facebook pictures. I felt really awkward at first, as the “new girl”, but everyone was super welcoming and I made friends right away. After everyone had arrived, after I had introduced myself to everyone and we had moved our things into a hotel room with Emily [a girl from Michigan USA] we went on a 7 Eleven run. The first night set the ball rolling for the rest of the trip – everyone hung out together, I made a bunch of new friends and we went to 7 Eleven at least 4 times.
Phanom Rung Historical Park

Sao Chaliang

Day 3 – We woke up early, had a buffet breakfast of the most delicious food and left for Pha Taem National Park. First we visited Sao Chaliang, stone towers and a hilltop with a giant crack down the center. We all ran around taking pictures, resting on the rocks looking over the cliff and climbing down the crack. When it came to the group picture with THE BANNER [oh the horror] we were not interested in taking pictures. There were probably 25 cameras, and no one understood why one person couldn’t just take the picture, put it on the internet and send it to everyone – instead we had to endure the mass photo taking experience [it reminded me of dancing at Phra That Phanom] and about halfway through most of us just gave up and walked away from the scene. Then we went to the giant cliff where there were signs telling you to “Be careful of bees,” “Danger, No poke,” [??] and the tour guides ran around telling you to be careful. I think we realized we needed to be careful – we’re not THAT dense. I injured myself even more by walking full on into a hanging tree branch when I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking. I joked that by the end of the trip I would be in the hospital at the rate this was going. Before returning to the resort we visited two waterfalls. The first one had zero water and the pool at the bottom was just a bunch of rocks we jumped around on. However, the second one had a nice little pond that we went swimming in and a waterfall that we could stand under. We got back to the hotel early so a bunch of us decided to get a spa package for only $30 after we ate grilled cheese sandwiches. They were probably the most expensive sandwiches we have ever paid for, but they were delicious. The spa treatment was great. We had “time for tea” and then we had a nice bubble bath [I shared a bath with Kalie – funniest experience of my life], a body scrub, shower and then aromatherapy with coconut butter. That night everyone brought their instruments out and we played. My friend Friederike taught me to play “Twinkly Twinkle Little Stars” on the violin.
Day 4 – We left the resort and headed to Nakhon Phanom – my host city. This day was mostly driving but we did stop at a tower in Mukdahan to overlook the city and the river. We stopped again at Phra That Phanom, but since I’ve been there about 6 times before it wasn’t anything exciting for me. At dinner Khun Prapart [referred to as “Peter” or “P Dog” (except not to his face) for the rest of the trip] pulled me out of our hacky sack circle and made me read the Thai names for all the buffet food to show his Rotarian friends. He was really proud that I could read them, but it was really embarrassing and frusterating since my friends were standing right there. Dinner was good; Papa P serenaded us with his karaoke talents and a bunch of people got up and sang Abba and CCR. After dinner Suzanne and I took everyone to Meurang, our favourite coffee place for dessert. We fit 16 of us into a sam law normally suitable for 8 and the rest followed in the trunk of a pick up truck. I feel horrible for the people at Meurang – we took up almost all their tables and moved them around – I don’t think they’ve ever had that many people in there at one time. But they probably made a bunch of money from us that night so I don’t feel too bad. We walked back to the hotel and then a bunch of the Korat girls and I enjoyed a nice adventure on the elevator and touring the hotel. We found a deserted floor where there were no lights on and so everyone piled up there to hang out. It was pretty creepy – there was only one blue light on and there was a big set of double doors at the end of the long corridor that were locked. We told ghost stories and jokes before running back to our rooms for curfew.
Day 5 – After checking out we visited Ban Chiang National Museum where they had lots of artifacts dug out from archeological sites. Most of them were pots, but they also had skeletons and tools. After looking around we shopped at some vendors on the side of the road and then went for lunch in Udon Thani. We had Vietnamese food – I was in heaven. On our way to Loei we stopped at an Orchid Farm which wasn’t good at all – there weren’t any flowers. I bought some Orchid tea thoughJ. I really lucked out at the Resort in Loei - 6 of us girls got an entire house to ourselves. We had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a porch. It was awesome. Before dinner we went on a walk to this convenient store where we sat and hung out with some of the Rotarians and the convenient store owners. They were really cool. At dinner a bunch of people came around handing out pins and business cards from their home countries – I’m excited to see what my jacket turns out like at the end of the year when I have it covered in pins and trinkets. Kat gave me a free foot massage while we watched a Thai TV show and drank tea. She has been taking a massage class and after getting 150 hours of massage work on other people she gets certified – I was her guinea pig for the week. That evening we sat around the resort talking, contacting spirits using a Ouiji board, playing soccer, laying on the hammock and watching TV.
Suan Hin Pha Ngam Park

The White Temple

I will write another blog entry tomorrow about PART 2 because there is just SO much to write, and this blog entry is already much longer than it should be.
"Don't Worry, Be Happy" - Bob Marley